
Phil & Lillian Ward

Phil Ward has been on staff with the Navigators since 1988, and his wife Lillian joined him in the ministry when they got married in September of 1993. They have four boys in their 20s and two young grandchildren. Both Phil and Lillian started their personal relationships with Christ while part of Navigator campus ministries, and this was part of their motivation to focus their ministry on college students and young adults. They ministered to college students until 2011, when they transitioned to their current role as Navigators 20s directors. Their heart is to help young adults in four main pursuits: Christ, excellence at work, life on mission, and community. They love hanging with young adults in small groups and life on life, encouraging and equipping 20s to make disciples who make disciples. Phil is also serving as the Albuquerque Navigators City Director. Besides ministry to young adults, Phil is passionate about sports, Lillian loves to read and visit with friends, and together they are enamored with being grandparents.

David Bonner

"I’ve been involved with the Navigators for close to a decade, and it has been a major source of blessing in my life. The Lord taught me a number of valuable lessons in my 20s, and it has been a privilege to disciple young men making the transition to the workforce. 

During the weekdays, I work as an engineer at Sandia National Labs. In my free time, you can find me rockclimbing or running near the mountain trails close to Albuquerque, as I love spending time outdoors."

Tobias Park

Website/Social Media Manager